After yesterday's incredibly bright colors in the sun, autumn showed its dull side today
I really like to mix such color nuances.
After yesterday's incredibly bright colors in the sun, autumn showed its dull side today
I really like to mix such color nuances.
zusammen malen mit meinem Mann |
Bildanfang |
Incredible how the colors of the vine leaves pop in the sun: I didn't overdo the saturation...
To make such colors really glow, it is helpful to apply them first thinned on the white panel: through the wash they simply pop out more than later applied opaque.
Der Wald färbt sich von Tag zu Tag schöner, vor allem im Gegenlicht, wenn die Sonne so schön durch die Blätter leuchtet, sind die Gelb- und Orangentöne ein Traum.
Dieses Bild malte ich auf eine gelb grundierten Malplatte, so konnte ich später die leuchtesten Stellen mit den Gummispachtel freischaben. (naja fast: ich habe den kleinen Gummistips irgendwann im Laub verschlampt, da fehlte mir dann das richtige Werkzeug).
I painted this on a yellow primed canvas so that I could later scrape out the brightest areas with the rubber spatula. (well, almost: I got the little rubber tip lost in the leaves at some point, so I didn't have the right tool).
Bildanfang, bzw Zwischenstadium |
Some time ago I had already seen a beautiful fall foliage painting by the painter Tibor Nagy and could hardly wait for fall to finally arrive so I could try it myself.
It was so much harder than I imagined (as always, when you see a master at work, it looks so easy) - the simplification in particular was a big challenge for me.
Just like painting clouds or waves from life, I'm not interested in creating a copy or documenting, but in recognizing the structures, freely composing the colors and shapes until the painting captures the essence of the subject.
In between, the painting looked completely different, unfortunately I became more and more fragmented when painting.
I think this is a great exercise for me and I'm determined to try it again.
The good thing about foliage is that it will still be there for a long time, even when fall is over....
Wonderful sunshine, a beautiful location in the Palatinate Forest - but somehow the painting didn't turn out.
I think the focus is missing. The many spots of the dappled light don't make the painting any easier to read either... But regardless of that, I had a wonderful time up there in the forest under the pines.
lecker! |
Back in the forest, I discovered these huge mushrooms everywhere: they are parasols.
They appear all of a sudden, round and knobbly at first, then they unfold, fold the edges partly upwards - and after a short time they collapse.
After discovering one exactly the size of a pan, I took the plunge and breaded and baked it:
Alle Werke der Woche (in ganz speziellem Rahmen) |
Prost! |
Torsten Wolber, Blaise Pillera, Yo Rühmer und Alfons Kiefer |
This is the harvest of my art retreat this year with the Pleinairmalheurs in the Allgäu.
Despite the really wet weather, we had a wonderful time together: It's always a huge inspiration to paint together with such great painters - and since we've become really good friends by now, we also have a lot of fun together when we're not painting....
Während der ganzen Woche hatte ich immer diese Malplatte dabei und füllte sie nach und nach mit kleinen schnellen Ölskizzen (Pochades):
Das ist wie eine Erinnerungspostkarte an 6 wunderschönen Maltage - mit drei ganz besonderen Malern, die mir alle sehr ans Herz gewachsen sind. Ich freu mich jetzt schon aufs nächste Jahr ...!!
Tag1 |
Tag2 |
Tag5 |
Tag 6 |
Zwischenstadium |
Bildanfang |
Pleinarimalheurs |
Alfons Kiefer |
Torsten Wolber |
Blaise Pillera |
Ein Malerlein steht im Walde... |
Blaise |
Neugierige Einheimische |
Den 5. Tag starteten wirkganz komfortable in strahlender Sonne auf unserem Balkon:
Ich wusste nicht, dass es so viel Spaß macht Alpenpanoramen zu malen :-)
Blaise und Torsten |
Alfons |