Das Motiv habe ich unterwegs bei Ebbe an der Flussmündung entdeckt: das Grün vom Moos (oder Algen?) knallte im der Sonne so toll raus - das musste ich einfach malen!
Vielen Dank an Peter, der die Stunde geduldig auf mich wartete, bevor wir uns an den Strand legen konnten.:-)

This Motiv I've discovered on the way at low tide at the river: the green of moss (or algae?) flashed in the sun so great - I had to paint that!
Many thanks to Peter, who waited patiently for 1 hour before we could go the beach. :-)
This Motiv I've discovered on the way at low tide at the river: the green of moss (or algae?) flashed in the sun so great - I had to paint that!
Many thanks to Peter, who waited patiently for 1 hour before we could go the beach. :-)
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